中山市冠宇平板玻璃有限公司是一家以生產(chǎn)格法玻璃為主的民營企業(yè),有6條生產(chǎn)線及一個大型的深加工車間,格法玻璃生產(chǎn)量每月超24萬重箱。主要產(chǎn)品有:生產(chǎn)線上玻璃:0.8-10mm厚度的透明超薄玻璃(相框玻璃、鐘面玻璃)、超薄超白玻璃、超白(高白)玻璃及普通格法玻璃等平板玻璃。深加工玻璃:各種厚度3-19mm玻璃的開界磨邊,鋼化玻璃(平鋼和彎鋼),烤彎、噴沙,絲印等,包括鋼化淋浴房玻璃、家私玻璃、鏡片加工、燈飾玻璃。中山玻璃以“超白玻璃”響譽大部分國家,除了在周邊地區(qū)供不應求外,產(chǎn)品還遠銷歐美,東南亞,中東,非洲等,中山玻璃將以其的產(chǎn)品,完善的售后服務與廣大的客戶建立較久的互存關系。 Zhongshan Guanhui Glass manufactory is one of biggest clear sheet glass manufactory. We have 6 production lines and 5 tempered lines, 2 mirror production lines, one bathroom factory and one processing factory for float glass. Our mainly product as follows: 1mm-10mm clear sheet glass 1mm-10mm extra white glass 3mm-19mm tempered glass( with polishing edge, sandblasting, silkscreen 1mm-6mm mirror laminated glass hollow glass different design bathroom Every month, we export lots of containers to Europe, America and so forth. With the experiment of ten years as an exporter, we have stood up an exportable standard. And our glass is famous for its super transparence, fresh, high quality.