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型煤是用一種和數種煤與一定比例的粘合劑、固硫劑、助燃劑經加工成一定形狀和有一定的理化性能(冷強度、熱強度、熱穩定性、防水性等)的塊狀燃料或原料。1.1 型煤的分類目前國內外工業型煤種類繁多、工藝類型復雜、粘合劑原料范圍不斷擴大,為了有層次的了解工業型煤狀況,現簡單分類如下:型煤按用途不同分為三類:⑴ 燃料型煤:鍋爐型煤、窯爐型煤、機車型煤;⑵ 氣化型煤:工業燃氣用造氣、合成氨造氣;⑶ 冶煉球團:球團煉鐵、球團煉錳等其它金屬礦粉球團。1.2 成型分類⑴ 工業型煤:沖壓成型、擠壓成型、滾壓成型、圓盤造粒。⑵ 民用型煤:沖壓成型、滾壓成型。1.3 形狀分類⑴ 工業型煤:球形、卵形、柱形、枕形、管形。⑵ 民用型煤:蜂窩形、球形、卵形。1.4 工業型煤要求和特點⑴ 對于不同爐排的鍋爐、型煤的大小、冷強度的要求是不同的。往復爐排型煤的尺寸、粒度可大些、鏈條爐型煤的尺寸、粒度可小些、冷強度的要求可低些。⑵ 對于煤氣發生爐型煤、型焦來說工業鍋爐型煤技術指標要求可低些。⑶ 冷壓強度:工業鍋爐型煤與煤氣發生爐型煤、型焦的冷壓強度可以基本相同,但也可低些。一般20--30公斤/個。⑷ 熱強度:工業鍋爐型煤可以不要熱強度,或很小的強度,但煤氣發生爐型煤、型焦就必須有足夠的熱強度。一般不小于20公斤/個。⑸ 粒度的大小:工業鍋爐型煤的粒度,固定爐排一般在50克/個、移動爐排一般在10--20克/個。⑹ 其他如防水性、烘干、落下強度、轉鼓強度,都相差不大。在商品化工業鍋爐型煤情況下,同時要滿足防水、無需烘干、粘合劑價廉、冷強度大比較容易達到,對于商品化煤氣發生爐、型焦除上述條件外,還要滿足熱強度的要求。
寧津縣榮達機械制造有限責任公司有經驗生產銷售網帶輸送機,鏈板輸送機,皮帶機,滾筒輸送機,鏈條輸送機,Z型和C型提升機,自動流水線,食品機械,玻璃機械,烘干機,清洗機,轉彎機,飲料輸瓶線輸送系統工程,方便面加工線,食品包裝線,電子裝配線,儲瓶臺,鑄件輸送線等等,產品廣泛應用于玻璃生產,食品加工,電子,化工,冶金,礦山,造紙,環保,印染,木業等行業。 寧津縣榮達機械制造有限責任公司位于中國的“網帶之鄉”——山東省德州市寧津縣經濟技術開發區大祁,此工業園區交通便利,物流運輸發達,緊靠濱德高速公路,快遞,鐵路快件和汽運配貨都非常的便利,滿足客戶的各種發貨渠道需要。是一家集研制,開發,生產,銷售于一體的企業。我們公司自創建以來發揚山東人的勤勞,務實,創新的精力,堅守“誠信為本,質量靠前,服務至上”的經營理念,吸引了大批的科技人才的加入,公司引進大量的自動化設備,從而促進了公司的技術創新開發能力和迅速的產品生產能力。RongDa founded in 1982, Products has specialized in silent chain and silent chain drive systems for so many years. RongDa as aupplier of silent chain based solutions for industry has knew with the world. We offer an extensive range of silent chains, sprockets, chain driven speed reducers, transmissions, and couplings, all backed by our commitment to exceptional customer service and support.Not only do we offer the widest range of standard silent chains and sprockets, we also custom design and produce chains and sprockets to fit our customer's exact requirements. With warehouses and representatives around the world, we welcome the opportunity to serve you.Advantages of Silent ChainSilent conveying chains provide a smooth, durable, flat conveying surface that operates with less vibration and velocity variation than other conveying products. Chains are manufactured from hardened steel components, making them long lasting and tolerant of elevated temperatures. They are accessiblein a variety of standard widths and constructions or can be easily built to suit a specific application.Linked and pin with a special treatment, so it has highly wearable and strength to pull and can provide morestable use effects and long usage life, all of the silent chain can meet the International standard.We also can produce it from 304/316 as your special requirement and produce any type of these productsas your demand.The width of silent chain can from 50mmto 500mm.Special Recommendation:Two pin sinelt chain can provide better use effects and longer usage life than single pin. And with protection plate can offer more safety protection for the product.All protective chains possessfully embedded pin s that are in direct contact with the lateral guide without wear from damaged pins. Size is suitable for most delivery systems All chains are accessiblein almost any width or style, including multiple guides, leadingguides, and side guides. All chains run on a1 /2 inch standard sprocket.Add:Daqi Industrial Park. Ninglin County. Shandong Province.Chin